Wednesday 3 December 2014

"Like Lions We Rise"

Finally, last night the hermit that I am ventured out. Made my way down to ‘The Haunt’ along Brighton beach, once again not thinking my outfit through and coming close to freezing to death in the process, but I can safely (and happily say) it was completely worth it.

Rory Indiana Left to Right:
Ben Clement; Dan Ely; Rory Kaye;
Josh Gale.
Honestly of the best things to witness is a crowd going mental for small town bands, whether their friends of the performer or just that drunk. Either way.
However, the people I specifically went down to see was the local band called Rory Indiana. Remember I might have mentioned that I’m currently studying towards a music degree? Well this four piece are from that very school. Yup I’m at school with the next generation of rockers, dj’s, managers etc. What is mind blowing is the potential that I’m surround by, Rory Indiana proving that last night.
The guys knew exactly what they were doing on that stage. It was clear they knew how to dominate it and keep an audience captivated by their addictive songs. They are one of those bands you can’t help by at least semi-mosh too.
Now this was my third time seeing the band live, one at a school event in a theatre, another in a club, in which they are amazing enough to make me look them up later and listen to their EP Empiricism on Spotify (do it now. Even if it means you have to stop reading this. Go. Listen. Now. Then come back!). Knowing a little more about their music really changes a perspective on a gig, greater sense of familiarity to a degree, so this aided the adrenaline I suppose.

Although they are not a huge name yet, it is evident that they are in fact
Rory Indiana's EP
heading places within the industry. The band were supporting Red Kites who were hosting their singles launch, each member of Rory Indiana joined the crowd and became audience members to the guys that gave them the opportunity to play live again. This is a quality they do not want to lose. Being aware of the people that are helping them get places. 
The thing that makes them a worthwhile band to see is how sincere they are to new ‘fans’ or people who genuinely enjoy their music. Me being me went to talk to Rory (vocal and rhythm guitarist) after the gig, and he seemed genuinely taken back and grateful at someone listening to his band on Spotify then actually buying the EP as well. It is characteristics such as these that will help them achieve great things.

Check out their video to "Sanctuary" such a brilliant song, the video does it every bit of justice:

This is something that larger bands fail, or are unable to do. So it is amazing seeing how smaller bands still have the ability to be blown away just as much as their audiences.

To me these guys are proving that it is possible to achieve whatever it is you want in this industry. And trust me when I say I will be following in their footsteps.

So if you ever have a chance to go see them live. Do it.
Listen to their EP.

Rebel Yell.

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